Tonight at dinner the family was discussing plans for the summer. My husband announced that since the oldest is trying out for the junior high football team this fall, he needed to start training every day this summer to get his legs stronger and improve his quickness. He then announced that every day after summer school, he and the boy would be heading over to the YMCA for training.
At this point, the oldest said, "...and at the end of the training, I'll be able to snatch a cricket from the palm of your hand."
At least the kid's got a decent sense of humor...
PS. Anyone else think the cricket looks amazingly like a cockroach?? I hate order Orthoptera...
learns from the best of them.
(no not you, the hairy one...)
It does look more like a cockroach... The ones back home would hide in the towels hanging up in the bathroom. That's wrong in ways that nothing else in this world can be wrong. So wrong. So traumatic. I had to fight the instinct to beat all my towels upon stepping out of the shower here in the States so my husband wouldn't think I was insane.
Joey - yes, it seems that a bit of that sardonic wit has rubbed off on the boy. I'm okay with that though...
TL - I can't even imagine a world in which my morning cleansing routine involved a constant worry about cockroaches. I am absolutely petrified of the things. When discussing senior pranks, the kids mentioned cockroaches in the halls and I asked them to please warn me so that I could wear a diaper that day...luckily they did not come through on their threat...
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