
Shana Tova!

Or Good Year to those of you not of the Jewish persuasion.

And, while I'm at it, Eid Mubarak to my Muslim friends as well...actually, after a month of fasting, they probably deserve top billing. I can't imagine a month of not eating from sun up to sun down. This makes that whole no meat on Fridays post from a while back make me sound like a fantastic whiner.

I think I'm a little envious of a nice solid religious holiday right about now...we Christians aren't due till December 12th...and that's pretty much a Catholic celebration - The Immaculate Conception - which, btw, is the observance of the conception of Mary, not Christ.

Anyhoo, enjoy your holidays. May they bring all the fellowship and spiritualness your life needs.


TL said...

I did the fasting thing back home, which was even harder what with the heat and not being able to drink water... I never did it all month though because I'm not religious. I just like the principle behind it. The buffets at night were killer, though! You're supposed to take it easy and have soup, salad and a small entree, but we'd go all out and do the good old "altitude test". (ie. see how high you can pile your food.) All class, my family.

calencoriel said...

You know it's funny, but that's the one thing about Catholicism I still adhere to...the whole lenten observance and fasting. It's a bizarre thing to say I feel closer to God because I've deprived myself of something for 40 days and I don't know that I do when it's all said and done, but there is a sense of accomplishment you get when you stick to something you said you'd do...

On Easter, my mom always makes sure she has whatever we've given up available in gluttonous quantities...I gave up coffee last year and by the time brunch was over I had the jitters so bad I single-handedly cleaned up all the dishes and had crashed on the couch by 1:00pm. Sadly, there are pictures...