Sometimes it's running into a student from your earlier teaching days at a conference and they start to tell you about their family and their new job as assistant principal at the school where you taught him.
Sometimes it's looking back at the pics of your kids and realizing how much they've changed and how old they are...and it means you're older too.
Sometimes it's the face looking back at you in the mirror with far more lines around the eyes than there used to be...
Recently, I've noticed a couple of other characteristics that scream at me regarding my age. There's the puffiness around my eyes that sometimes won't go away until 9-10 o' clock in the morning. The stuff that used to be gone as soon as I'd finished showering.
There's the fact that I can do a lab that involves goggles during 1st and 2nd bell and I still have the line around my forehead during 9th bell...
And now...new to the list are the additional aches and pains I wake up with each morning - oh sure...there's the back or the hips or the legs if the run the night before was a bit more exhuberant that what my body was ready for - but now, this morning I get to add: SORE JAW! Yeah...what's up with that? How did I sleep in so weird a position that my jaw hurts? It hurt with the initial I'm going to get out of bed yawn, when I closed my jaw right after, sharp shooting pain when I touched it, and again when I brushed my teeth.
What the heck is up with this? Seriously though, my jaw?
arg...I'll try to post more humorously next time around. For now, I'm gonna go ice my jaw down...
...and get those kids off my lawn...
You're grinding your teeth at night possibly due to stress. Wait until the headaches start because of it. Beginnings of TMJ. Tell your dentist they can make a splint to help or actually the chiropractor can help realign it too. Guess how I know so much about this.....yeah, I'm old too........
Oh god...SO not what I wanted to hear...
How was thanksgiving?
Oh...but I will mention this if it continues to my dentist, my next appointment is during Winter Break so I don't have to wait forever to see what he has to say.
Thanks for the info, though...I know plenty of young folk who grind their teeth, so I won't blame this one entirely on the 41 year tag...
Thanksgiving was great...weird being seventy some degrees but good...ate too much, just like you're supposed to. It was just us so I got an awesome nap in too!! What about yours?
The night device does help but the chiro was the quickest fix. (I was grinding so hard the top layers of my teeth were wearing away and causing more cavities b/c the protective enamel was gone.) I love chiropractors and I keep telling the oldest that is what she should be when she grows up so she can fix Mommy and Daddy in their old age. lol
i like being 30
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