

I don't often post links nor embed videos, but the oldest has brought these two to my attention this weekend and I've enjoyed the heck out of both of them...

Does anyone know what Leeroy needs from this guy? And wow...seems like a lot of work to get a bunch of eggs...and what the heck does Divine Intervention mean? Do you have to earn that? Do the mages just have it?

And yeah...32.33 (repeating, of course) % success is always enough to make me stampede into the bowels of hell or wherever it is they go...

Stay tuned later this week for other examples of Leeroy's courage.

PS. I got carded this weekend. Really never thought that would happen again. You have no idea how that made my weekend...Dayton is my new favorite city. Forever.

1 comment:

Slug said...

I was going through your blog, sadly.

But their playing World of Warcraft (I'm sure you're aware of that) and were raiding an old instance of Onyxia's Lair, which has a giant dragon to kill. The eggs had her hatchlings in them. Oh, also divine intervention is a paladins spell that puts a barrier around another player.

Ya, I used to play this game. Two years of addiction.