
See You Tomorrow....

Unless, of course, there's a bizarre, non-predicted snow storm/blizzard to keep us all at home another day.

What?? It's what I hope for every "day before I have to go back to school after winter break." And you know all of you are doing the exact same thing.

I'll post again when I've finished the remaining 8 IA's I have to grade (yesterday was productive) and when the oldest has finished his second quarter book-project-that-is-really-an-art-project-and-I'm-really-getting-tired-of-these-worthless-my-son-doesn't-learn-anything-from-them-projects. But yeah...more on that later.


PHSChemGuy said...

I particularly enjoy the labels this time...

wv: gjbupi

calencoriel said...


it's the delay of the inevitable, isn't it?

btw...IAs and book project for the oldest are DONE!