It's a day away: Opening Day. I know, there were mlb games played last week, and it really would have been nice to know that BEFORE I took the hit in my fantasy league, but in my head, there's only one team that can begin the baseball season...and of course, that would be The Reds.
I wanted to begin this post with a quote on baseball, but after a bit of googling, couldn't find just one that totally fits the way I'm feeling today, so I'll just link you to all of them.

I actually own those earrings...and a charm bracelet like it as well. I'm a baseball/softball mom and the wife of a softball coach.
I was a kid during the time of the Big Red Machine and remember being confused when The Reds didn't win the pennant or go to the World Series. We would say the Pledge of Allegiance, sing The Star Spangled Banner and then yell, "PLAY BALL" at the end, each day when I was in kindergarten. I remember being a catcher when I played softball and wanting to be just like Johnny Bench. I remember seeing Pete Rose at Findlay Market when I was 8, holding my grandmother's hand and telling her (loud enough for Pete to hear) "Grandma, Grandma! That's Pete Rose!!" and then seeing him turn his head and wink at me. I remember being allowed to stay up late with my dad to watch The Reds play the Red Sox and seeing Louie Tiant's wife with a noisemaker bigger than me, twirling it over her head. I remember my first set of Straight A tickets and going to every straight A game with my dad - even while in high school. I remember bringing a broom into my classroom(as a second year teacher) to display when The Reds swept the A's after going wire to wire in 1990. We played out of our minds in that series. I remember looking at Dave Stewart on the mound for the A's and thinking there was no way in hell we'd ever hit him...but we did. I don't know what it would be like to be a Cubs fan or an Indians fan...The Reds have won the World Series three times in my lifetime, and I'm guessing they'll do it again a couple more times before I check out of here...
The best date night in the summer for me is a trip to the ballpark. Now that I'm raising my own little leaguer, I get to go to the ballpark about 3 times a week, and I don't even have to pay for the games. I've got about 5 different folders on the laptop with the word "baseball" in the title somehow. Most are pics or videos of the oldest. That kid actually does have a bit of talent and I love watching him play.
If I don't post too much in the next few weeks, it's because of baseball. I'll be trekking all over the west side hoping with everyone else that we're able to put together another team that will make it in Williamsport.
I love baseball. It means springtime, and summer and hot dogs and lemonheads. It's calling the WSLL rainout number and wondering if my boy will get to pitch tonight. It means going across the street to get a softserve ice cream cone in between games on a Saturday. It means dirt in the backseat, the baseball blanket, the baseball bag, cleats, nosebleeds, a granola bar and gatorade for supper, beestings, sunblock, a first aid kit and more memories than I have time to share here.
I love baseball, and it's a good thing too...because starting tomorrow, that's all I'll be doing till August.
No better baseball quotes have ever been made than the one from James Earl Jones near the end of Field of Dreams...
Check it...
Oh, and how's your NCAA pool picks going?
You're funny...I seem to have maxed out on possible points at this point...
Oh, and write your own baseball post if you want the Terrance Mann quote...
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