I made my soups again today...it's Spring Break and there are just ten weeks left of school. I've got time and I'm gonna get hungry at school, so I figured it was a good time to take care of making a batch or two. One of the batches I put together was a southwestern chicken fajita soup...yep, tasty and no more than 250 calories a serving. The only problem is today I decided to chop up the jalapeno for the soup without wearing gloves and now my fingers are on fire.
No, I'm serious. They are burning like crazy. I was biting my nails a little after I was finished with the soups and my lips started burning...I am pleased, however, that I did not wear my contacts today because I don't know how I'd get them out today.
I watch cooking shows all the time and I've watched people chop jalapenos and they never wear gloves. I don't know what's wrong with my skin...but that jalapeno juice adheres to my skin like crazy. It's weird too, b/c the heat never seems to affect my mouth the way it does my skin...
First thing on the grocery list for tomorrow is latex gloves...
At least you're not looking for chain male gloves anymore...
I finally figured out how to stop shaving off parts of my fingers when using the mandolin...
go me...
It's the little victories that mean so much...
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