He's there under strict conditions and timelines that I am comfortable with (ok, not really) and he is satisfied with...(yeah - probably not). His father and I with the little one will be eating dinner at a restaurant close by while he enjoys the movie with his friends.
Holy crap, I'm not ready for this. I don't want to overprotect this kid...I've seen what that looks like as a teacher and I really don't want to be that parent. But I also don't want to be the parent who leaves their kid unsupervised... I think I did a decent job of not over-reacting (I do have a tendency to do this...) and I think the oldest was okay with my parameters and I'm pretty sure I am too.
But wow...I'm not ready for this...
Did I mention girls are some of the "friends?"
I kind of thought that there might be girls involved.
Actually, only two girls attended the event...and he got to sit next to the one he's been crushin' on since second grade...
All went well...I'm glad I let him go and relaxed the apron strings a bit...
If you ever need a movie spy for a low and reasonable cost just let me know...
Good to know...actually there were a bunch of girls from the softball team out last night who saw the boy and reported to coach this morning...the kids really don't have much hope for privacy for a while...
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