
Winter Break Is Right Around the Corner...

At PHS, we're just three weeks away from a full and complete two week break. This will be the first time in 19 years of teaching that the end of the semester will coincide with the beginning of Winter Break. The students will have nothing to do. We can't possibly assign work because exams will immediately precede the break and we'll have nothing new to assign.

I've started to worry about the young people of PHS. What will they do with all that free time? It's just irresponsible of our BOE to allow something like this...after all, idle hands are the devil's playground.

So, I've decided to provide a few examples of what can be accomplished with free time and imagination and encourage my students to not while away the hours on PlayStation, but to produce something of real substance. Something they can be proud of when it's finished...

Something like this!

For more detail, check this post...

or this one...

be careful though...although creative, they are a little loose with their language


Murr Nation said...

I am jealous they waited to do this till we left. And you better add me to your list of blogs or else I'm gonna call you some bad name that we'll later have to Google to see if it even exists...

calencoriel said...

You know you have to be able to think of the bad name in your head and it has to be so foul you have to offend yourself before you're going to top me...

you have been added, sir.