I've always had a thing for cherries. When they come in season, I buy a bunch, sit on my deck and eat them spitting the pips across the backyard. I pit a bunch and freeze them and use them in smoothies, pies, etc.
My favorite flavor of Skittle, Starburst, Nerd, Jolly Rancher, Chewy Jolly Rancher, Laffy Taffy, et. al is cherry.
I love cherries.
And now, these exist in such a convenient form - and they're good for you! Filled with antioxidants, fiber and low in calories. I can't wait to try them in this recipe. Assuming of course I don't eat the entire bag before I find the time to make the cookies. Expect them in G-burg, Chemguy and cross your fingers that I share.
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