So - I made the oatmeal cherry cookies.
They suck.
Not enough moisture - they're not chewy at all, and well...that is the mark of a perfect oatmeal raisin cookie. I followed the recipe to the letter and everything. The oven temp was perfect, the butter creamed nicely, but the cookies are puffy, not flat and chewy. I think there was either a misprint on the recipe or their idea of good cookies and mine differ significantly.
I'll try again, of course. I've found a couple of other recipes online that included more butter and eggs and about the same amount of flour and oats, so I think they might work a little better. But for now, I have a tub of fluffy, crunchy, albeit well-flavored oatmeal cherry cookies I'll be bringing to school tomorrow.
I know they'll be eaten there because a very wise person once told me that the value of food increases exponentially at school.
PS. My cookies looked nothing like the ones pictured above. I would have included a pic of my disasters but I unfortunately left my cool new camera at school.
PPS. While I'm giving updates, this also just in from the little one: "Mommy, when I grow up I'm going to have a chihuahua, a little cat and maybe a hamster." Guess daddy doesn't get to visit...
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